A: Coastal cliff at Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK. The cliff consists of early Jurassic limestones, marls, and mudstones that were deposited in a shallow tropical sea with very little input of sediment washed out from nearby shores. It was home to a thriving variety of marine life, including ammonites, ichthyosaurs, echinoids, molluscs and crustaceans. The cliff exposes a rhythmically bedded succession without obvious breaks .
B. A plot of the thicknesses of two successions (Lyme Regis and St. Audries Bay and Quantock’s Head, Somerset) covering the same period of geological time. The various points on the graph were obtained by correlating fossils between the two successions. The changing slopes of the graph reveal that the thinner Lyme Regis succession has several breaks in deposition (horizontal slopes) and that depositional rates differ between the two sections. There are no obvious indications of this in the rock composition or fossil content. The “Angulata” zone is about 700,000 years in duration and was tied to the absolute time scale indirectly via correlation with dated volcanic rocks in Peru.
Diagram from Weedon, G. P. et al. (2018), Geological Magazine, 156, 1469